General Synthesis of Fundamental Insignificance.
General Synthesis of Fundamental Insignificance.
A personal philosophy treatise written by William Oweson on the subject of existence and the manner by which one may effectually seek fulfillment.
Edition comprising the original English version as well as its Japanese translation.
Translated by Lui Nemeth.
144 pages.
Printed in Japan.
Material Composition
Material Composition
Further Information
Further Information
Our clothes are made in what we refer to as bases, which forms the digits prior to the hyphen in our numerical categorization, which change depending on the type of garment in question. For example would the Jacket 2-13 find itself to be made in the jacket base number 2, which would see itself to be different from the base of the same number within the trousers.
All of the products of the same type which share the same base possess nearly identical measurements, meaning that one may be quasi certain that were the Jacket 2-13 in size II fit one, then the Jacket 2-24 in the same size would find itself to be very similar in the way it would feel.
We do nevertheless recommend that you take a close look at the various size guides which we provide in order for you to be able to find the correct size for you.